Grace is a mission-driven church whose outreach is directly determined by the congregation. Based on the interests and callings of our members, Grace is actively involved in mission both locally and internationally. We take seriously the scriptural call to love our neighbors as ourselves and to serve joyfully together! Our Mission Committee supports many initiatives with both funding and active volunteer support. Many of our partnerships engage children and youth as well as adults.
Hands-on opportunities in our local Springfield/greater DC region are listed below.
Learn more about Grace's global partnerships in Honduras and Palestine on their respective pages. If you'd like to connect with any of these opportunities, please contact Pastor Katie, our pastoral liaison to mission and outreach.
Afghan Neighbor Support
As many Afghan refugees have joined our local neighborhood, Grace has been honored to help set up new apartments for four Afghan families. We continue to walk alongside several of our new neighbors in friendship and mutual hospitality. Some opportunities to connect include providing rides, helping our friends navigate the joys of American bureaucracy (driver's license tests, English class sign-up, etc.), and simply growing alongside one another. Coordinator: Pastor Susan Wilder
Crestwood Weekend Food Packs
Each Friday during the school year, volunteers pick up food at our partner congregation, Messiah UMC. They then distribute the food at afternoon dismissal to Crestwood Elementary Families. Volunteers are always welcomed. Coordinator: Janet Little
The Grace Tutoring Program has been an active part of our life continuously since 1990. The program has helped over 600 children from Crestwood and Garfield Elementary Schools, by developing a caring relationship between students and church volunteers. Each student meets with the same volunteer, who becomes a special friend and homework helper for one hour every Monday evening, from October through May. The program needs tutors and substitute tutors for each school year. Coordinator: Mary Hawkins
Flash-Mob Missions
Several times a year, members meet after church for lunch and a mob-style mission. Wester Hall becomes a production site, with tables set with food for weekend snack packs for Lynbrook School children on lunch assistance, or personal care items for Church World Service hygiene kits. Within an hour, 500-700 kits can be packed and ready for delivery.
Help the Homeless
The Help the Homeless meet-up group meets on the last Saturday of the month in Wester Hall. We put together backpacks containing a hygiene kit, paper towels, plastic container, mouthwash, a sack lunch, and a Bible. These backpacks are taken to DC and parts of Fairfax County to distribute directly to the homeless. Coordinators: Joe Miller, Dave Retherford, or Dennis Bustillo.
See http://www.meetup.com/Help-the-homeless/.
CROP Table & Community Garden
Grace has a vegetable garden that congregation members help cultivate. On summer Sundays after church, Grace members bring their garden produce and baked goods for others to enjoy in exchange for a donation to the CROP Table. The proceeds of the CROP Table, along with donations raised by walkers and our mission team, go to support local hunger relief through different organizations, currently Franconia-Springfield resource center. Coordinators: John and Hiede Sowdon.
CROP Hunger Walks are community-based walks sponsored by Church World Service (CWS). Proceeds support local and global hunger relief, with the local portion going to ECHO in our own neighborhood. Grace participates not only through financial support but also always sending a good delegation of walkers. The Grace Mission Ministry makes a contribution for each Grace walker who participates. Coordinator: Maria Clayton
ECHO (Shoppers, Thanksgiving Baskets, and More!)
Grace is one of the founding churches of ECHO (Ecumenical Community Helping Others), a Springfield-based relief organization, and remains actively engaged through food collection, member participation and funding. Each month, Grace members volunteer to shop for the food pantry. Every year, Grace prepares and delivers Thanksgiving Baskets to families in the community. Families are recommended by ECHO or by staff and members of the congregation. Coordinators: Mary Helmantoler (shoppers) or John Heine (baskets)
Parenting Education Partnership (PEP)
This program is a Fairfax County-based initiative focused on building basic family skills. Grace partners with the County by hosting this 12-week program seasonally on Thursday evenings. Grace provides dinner for the participants. For more information about the County's program, check out this video (which features some Grace members as volunteers!). Coordinator: Janet Little