"Sunday school" takes many forms--and doesn't just happen on Sundays! At Grace, we integrate the needs of children into our planning for worship, mission, intergenerational activities, and more. We know that faith is "caught not taught" and we grow in faith not only by learning the key teachings of the faith but also by participating in all the work of the church. Parents and families are invited to participate and grow together with their children in many of our programs!
Sunday Morning Classes
About 20 minutes into our 10:30 am worship service, children ages 3 through 4th grade are invited to join age-appropriate classes during the sermon.
Play 'n' Worship is for preschool children and involves a Bible stories, crafts & other creative responses, and plenty of play. Play 'n' Worship meets year round, with a break during the month of August. Pick up your child downstairs in the toddler nursery, after the service.
Bridges to Worship is for K-4th graders and uses the Godly Play curriculum to engage children in worship, wonder, and storytelling. Pick up your child downstairs in room 14 after the service.
Family Faith Formation
Family Faith Formation is a quarterly program for preschool through 6th graders and their families. It meets on Sundays right after church four times throughout the school year. Program includes a simple lunch followed by interactive lessons and activities on key topics of faith.
Past themes have included: Reading the Bible with Wonder & Joy, Jesus and the Christmas Story, Walk-Through of Holy Week, and Sanctuary Scavenger Hunt. During 2024-25, we will focus on our Bibles- how to use them, what to know about them, and how to equip families to tackle the hard questions about them!
Preteen Youth Group
Grace Rising is a group for children in 4th- 6th grades. Kids talk about faith and life, while also growing in friendship and community together. This program meets monthly as a part of our youth collective.
In 2024-25, our theme is "Can I Ask That?: Wrestling with Holy Questions." In 2023-24, we looked at "Holy Troublemakers" who are models of faith for us as we seek to follow Jesus and sow a little "good trouble" along the way.
Parents' Friday Fellowship
Grace parents of young children are invited to join at the Rosses' home to grow in faith and deepen in relationship while the kids play. We start with a simple potluck at 6:00 pm, then send the kids downstairs to play with adult supervision while adults have discussion upstairs. We studied Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From last fall and will focus on a biblical book this winter/spring.
Current session runs every other Friday evening, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, January 24 through April 4.
Service and Mission
Our service opportunities at Grace are often formed with an eye towards including children and families. Cultivating an awareness of the needs and gifts of our community is important from an early age. We welcome and invite children of all ages to participate in Help the Homeless, Flash Mob Backpack Builds, CROP Walk, DC Pride Parade, and more. Teens have opportunity to attend mission trips regionally and abroad.
Seasonal and Outreach Events
Advent and Lent choir/drama opportunities- New in 2024-2025! For the first time since the pandemic, we have started a children's choir and drama group for K-6th graders. To keep things manageable for busy lives, the children's choir meets after worship for about 4 weeks in fall and spring. Our Advent mini-play, "Are You Ready for the Light to Shine?" gave 10 children opportunities to sing, narrate, and act as a way of leading worship. It was a hit and we hope to offer similar seasonal opportunities!
Vacation Bible School - In recent years, Grace has partnered with other churches for Vacation Bible School and hosted intergenerational evening programs with a VBS-vibe! Our "Welcome Table" dinners invite all ages to eat together, act out Bible stories, sing, and respond to a theme. We have also partnered with local churches to offer a joint Vacation Bible School program.
Easter Eggstravaganza - An egg hunt held the Saturday before Easter, with breakfast, crafts, and the Easter story
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Races- As we enter the holy season of Lent, we don't just eat pancakes--we race with them. This is always a family favorite.
Oktoberfest - A fall festival for families held each October
Advent Festival - Festive dinner, crafts, and story time held early in December
All offerings for children and youth follow our Child Protection Policy; all staff and volunteers have been background checked.